Our collaboration with Creative PEC

Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC) works to support the growth of the UK’s creative industries through independent evidence and policy advice. Creative PEC is led by Newcastle University with the Royal Society of Arts and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Creative PEC and the British Council are collaborating on an initiative to apply international learnings to the UK’s creative industries, and to strengthen creative economy research and policy globally. The British Council also convenes an International Council on behalf of the Creative PEC, to bring together leading policy and creative economy practitioners from across the world. The group shares international creative economy policy intelligence and research opportunities, and acts as critical friends in reviewing and providing an international perspective on the Creative PEC’s activities.

More information: https://pec.ac.uk/

A Global Agenda for the Cultural and Creative Industries is the Creative PEC’s contribution to the United Nations 2021 International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. It was created in response to an invitation made by the UN General Assembly to the international community, was written in partnership with the British Council. The document sets out 11 key actions for international creative industries and governments worldwide to support the growth of creative industries and help them to tackle some of the biggest challenges of the 21st century.