Live IELTS webinars for teachers
Our free online webinars will help you learn more about IELTS and share tips that you can use when preparing your students.
To support teachers who are preparing their students for the IELTS exam, we have developed a number of online materials you can use free of charge.
Our free online webinars will help you learn more about IELTS and share tips that you can use when preparing your students.
Our Take IELTS website offers you a wide range of resources including free workshops, books and study guides and IELTS practice tests.
Stay up to date with the newest teaching practices by joining our Facebook group dedicated to teachers or subscribing for our IELTS newsletter.
Use our high-quality resources to help you with your continuing professional development as a teacher or teacher educator.
Visit our blog for IELTS teachers and explore tips and advice that will help your students get the score they need.
Join our online course “Exam strategies from A to Z” to learn about different preparation strategies and help your students to get ready for their English exam.