The 3 x 3 publishing mentorship aims to increase the skills, experience and professional networks of 3 Ukrainian publishing professionals and their publishing houses, by pairing them with a mentor from a UK publishing house as they implement a specific project.
The programme includes scoping and networking sessions in Ukraine, the opportunity to shadow a mentor at their publishing house in the UK, followed by monthly remote mentoring sessions.
The programme runs from July 2017 — March 2018.
The participants are:
Mentor: Hannah Bourne, Penguin Random House
Mentee: Anton Martynov, CEO, Nash Format
Mentor: Cecily Gayford, Profile Books
Mentee: Oksana Karpiuk, Discursus
Mentor: Angela Rose, Granta
Mentee: Dmytro Kozak, Tempora
Key Dates for the Project:
23 May — 11 June 2017: Application period
26 June 2017: Announcement of successful applications
31 July — 3 August 2017: British mentors visit Ukraine
September 2017 — March 2018: Monthly remote Skype sessions
January 2018 — March 2018: Ukrainian publishers visit the UK