“The Programme is important for developing team leadership; it enables the participants to acquire knowledge of efficient management, challenge analysis, definition of main goals and ways of their achievement”
Petro Yasniy, Rector, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
14 Ukrainian higher education institutions took part in the second year of the Ukraine Higher Education Leadership Development Programme (2017-2018).
As part of the Programme, participants mastered the skills of individual leadership, effective communication and teamwork.
University teams worked on institutional change projects as well as developed and implemented a number of additional initiatives to improve their universities. Their dedication inspires university staff and students to act and lead change.
Participating teams have become "generators" of qualitative positive transformations that gather proactive enthusiasts of the university.
10 universities have used the given by the Programme opportunity to undertake a study visit to a UK university. They have established working contacts with UK counterparts as well as studied their best practices in university governance, teaching, research and student experience.
University profiles and results of their participation in the Programme can be found under corresponding links below.
Project title |
1 |
Donetsk National University of the Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky |
“Info-hub” Student Service Centre |
2 |
Implementing the University Strategy of Academic Integrity |
3 |
Development of Entrepreneurial and Innovation Initiatives at the University |
4 |
The Image of the University As a Result of Formation of Its Social Capital |
5 |
Educational Agrarian Centre “Donbass – Ukraine” |
6 |
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" |
Improvement of the System of Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Engineering Education at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” |
7 |
Establishment of the Project Office as an Institutional Change and Step Towards the Development of University Potential |
8 |
“Sandwich courses” as an Instrument of the University Leadership Potential Development |
9 |
Development of International Competence of the Modern University |
10 |
Brand Image of the University: Positioning Strategy of TNTU in the International Market of Educational Services |
11 |
Supporting and Developing University Excellence: Programmes and Services |
12 |
Openness University to Society and Business |
13 |
Implementation of Creative Spaces in University as a Driver of Innovative Growth of Education of the Region |
14 |
RISE – Rebuilding Integrity in Science and Education |