The British Council, together with the collective, at the end of 2024 launched a programme to support actors within Ukraine's creative economy ecosystem. The focus of the programme in 2024/2025 is creative hubs and professional associations.

Strong intermediary organisations, such as creative hubs and professional associations, play a key role in the development of the creative economy. They make the ecosystem better structured and more sustainable, while fostering visibility and collaboration among its representatives. These two types of organisations were eligible to apply for grants of up to £7,000 to support their development.

Grants were available for the following activities:

  • Research to reinforce your organisation's work, such as mapping key stakeholders, audiences, and local context;
  • Testing a pilot service or offering for the target audience;
  • Promotion and marketing, including strengthening the organisation's digital presence;
  • Strengthening the organisation’s focus on safety, security, and climate sustainability (up to 20% of the grant value);
  • Mobility within Ukraine to exchange experience with similar organisations (e.g., internships, mentoring, other formats);
  • International mobility for experience exchange (UK or EU countries) – internships in institutions or attendance at sectoral events, provided you organise an additional day for a more focused experience exchange with colleagues.

We will share more information about the winners of the programme in March 2025.

What is a creative hub and professional association?

Creative hub:

  • Provides space and support for interaction, development, and networking among individual creatives, companies, and communities within the cultural and creative industries;
  • Creates cultural and creative value for its local ecosystem and the wider creative economy ecosystem;
  • May operate as a physical or virtual organisation.

Professional association:

  • An organisation created to support, protect the interests of, and promote the development and professional growth of representatives within a particular sector of the cultural and creative industries;
  • Unites artists, other professionals, and companies working in sectors such as design, film, music, advertising, architecture, or publishing;
  • Main functions: representing interests, developing standards, creating educational opportunities, providing legal support, strengthening collaboration, promoting the sector, and attracting funding and partnerships for sector development.

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