The British Council announces Gender Equality Partnerships grants. The grants enable higher education providers and non-for-profit research institutions in the UK and Ukraine to build partnerships and enable systemic change in the following priority theme:

• Addressing women’s underrepresentation in higher education leadership (and all its related outcomes).

During the assessment of projects between Ukraine and UK priority will be given to partnerships that aim to reach an impact on the national level.

The Gender Equality Partnership grants expect to support projects with a value of up to £25,000, for a 12-month project period, starting from January 2025.

How to apply

Download the application guidance, application form and budget template below.

Submit your completed application, additional documents and budget template via email to: 

The application deadline is 16 September 2023, at 23.59 UK time.

Projects that are being mplemented in 2024:

UK University Ukraine University Project Name 
Kingston University London Lviv Polytechnic National University ONLY: Open a New Leader in Yourself
University of Cambridge Kharkiv National Medical University  EmpowerHER: Advancing Women’s Leadership in Medical Higher Education
University of Reading The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Supporting Women's Leadership in Education
University of Bedfordshire Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics  A Career Roadmap for Women’s Leadership in Higher Education in Ukraine
University of Leicester Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University FEMPLOYEE: Advancing Gender Equality and Women's Leadership in STEM Education - A Transversal Approach to Empowerment and Inclusion
University of Hull Mariupol State University Fostering Women’s Leadership in Ukrainian Academia. An Intersectional and Culturally Responsive Perspective